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South Essex Methodist Circuit
Caring Churches in a caring circuit

Harvest Celebration at St Paul's

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St Paul's Church Basildon enjoyed a wonderful Harvest celebration on the 28th and 29th September. On Saturday we held a coffee morning and flower andvegetable festival. The church looked stunning with lots of people gettingcreative for our harvest themed displays, that were placed around the church.

There are a team of people who regularly work their socks off to hold coffeemornings at Church and there were lots of goodies to eat and interesting thingsto buy.

We raised funds for the Methodist Charity'All We Can' for whom we are a PartnerChurch and the produce we brought wentto the 'Helping Hands food bank' nextdoor at the community centre.

Get In Touch

Postal Address: c/o Langdon Hills Methodist Church, Emmanuel Road, Langdon Hills, Basildon, SS16 6EX

Telephone: 01268 544649


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